特别之处: 此高僧是神通大师Luang Pu Sod-(Wat Makam Tao) 的徒孙,在督造符管是非常著名传 承他督造符管的经咒经文,此符管设有一个在遇到危险性的动物时可以让其动物回避的功能。打固长2寸。
结缘价:供請完畢(sold out!) Monk: Luang Pu Kui, Wat San Da Jiang
Special: build with the effect to protect from harm of animal.
Effect: for protection purpose.
Price: 供請完畢(sold out!)
Special: build with the effect to protect from harm of animal.
Effect: for protection purpose.
Price: 供請完畢(sold out!)