特别之处: 于佛历2550督造,红铜材质诵经加持三个月时间,后面是圣僧独门山猪经文有赶走不好事物与招财纳福的功效。这佛牌前有打佛牌编号和3个不同的佛牌防盗记号。
结缘价:供請完畢(sold out!)
Monk: Luang Pu Kalong, Wat Kao Leam
Special: amulet with running no and 2 anti-duplicate code. back is special yant by LP Kalong.
Effect: for protection.
Price: 供請完畢(sold out!)
Special: amulet with running no and 2 anti-duplicate code. back is special yant by LP Kalong.
Effect: for protection.
Price: 供請完畢(sold out!)